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User Stories

These are a concise and easy method to identify our target users and potential use cases for PosturePerfection.

PosturePerfection’s target audience is made up of a variety of users, all connected by their need to be seated at their desk for extensive periods throughout the day. With most people currently working from home, this includes almost the full professional workforce, including individuals such as teachers and office workers. PosturePerfection is also targeted towards individuals who have hobbies which require them to be seated in a chair, for example gamers. Therefore, the user stories cover a range of situations and users where PosturePerfection would be beneficial.

Business Executive
As a business owner, I want to ensure my workforce follow posture guidelines so that my company complies with health regulations
As a business owner, I want to encourage my workforce to monitor their own posture so that they remain healthy and able to work
As a line manager, I want my team to be aware of their own posture throughout the day so that they maintain working efficiency and meet company targets
As an office worker, I want to reset my own posture when I adopt a poor position so that I don’t adopt a poor posture for long periods throughout the day
As an office worker, I want to monitor my posture throughout my working day so that I avoid future health problems
As an office worker, I want to be notified when I am not sitting correctly so that I understand my own sitting habits
As a home worker, I want to actively monitor my posture so that my new working environment does not affect my physical health.
As a gamer, I want to be shown how to sit correctly so that I can play for longer periods
As a brass musician, I want to actively set my posture correctly so that I am able to breathe correctly
As an elderly person, I want to ensure my posture is correct at all times so that I maintain my health
As a spinal arthritis patient, I want to set my posture exactly right so that my condition does not worsen due to my own posture

Andrew Ritchie, Ashwin Maliampurakal, Conor Begley, Miklas Riechmann
Distributed by an GNU GPL-3.0 license.