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Continuous Integration

GitHub Actions are being used to perform CI on this project. Below is a list of all jobs and any notes.

Doxygen Documentation Generation

Automatic generation of source code documentation from comments, performed by Doxygen. In this project the headers are to be documented, so source code documentation can be found in the interface specified by the header files. To ensure the file is included in the documentation it needs a @file comment at the top and the syntax must be exactly as shown below (the /** opening comment syntax is essential). Only comments relating to implementation details should be in the C source files. All usage documentation should be in the header files.

A minimal header file may therefore be:

 * @file hello.h
 * @brief A hello world function

#ifndef SRC_HELLO_H_
#define SRC_HELLO_H_

 * @brief Example to print "Hello, world!"
void hello_world(void);
#endif  // SRC_HELLO_H_

Note the @file at the top if the file to ensure this is included in the documentation.

C++ Linting

This job runs the cpplint python package on all code. This checks against Google code formatting guidelines, with some minor modifications. See the project page for details.

The following checks are disabled at the moment:

  • build/include_subdir
    • Would require subdirectory paths to be specified when including headers
    • We may want to enable this again if we change the directory structure of the project

To ensure adherence to the desired coding style before pushing you can install cpplint locally using pip install cpplint. Check the documentation or run cpplint --help for usage instructions. An example run might be:

cpplint --filter=build/include_subdir src/*

You can also set the C_Cpp.clang_format_style setting (from the C/C++ extension) in VSCode to “Google”, to use Google style formatting. Remember you can apply formatting at any time using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+i in VSCode.

Andrew Ritchie, Ashwin Maliampurakal, Conor Begley, Miklas Riechmann
Distributed by an GNU GPL-3.0 license.