Here we outline the specification that was developed at the beginning of our project
The main system must be able to run as a standalone application on a Raspberry Pi |
It must run using a single camera attached to the Raspberry Pi |
The system should work with sensible default settings such that initialisation of PosturePerfection is straightforward |
Customisable settings/options must be presentable and configurable with minimal overhead |
The system should act as a “posture warning system” which warns the user when their posture worsen after a minimal delay. |
The warning defined must, at a minimum, be in the form of an obvious notification to the user |
The system should also incorporate a “posture correction” aspect which can guide the user to a “good” posture which can be configured by the user themself |
The system could be extended to make use of a GUI via a small/medium sized screen |
Optionally, the system could also send a notification to the main work machine of the user, so that they are immediately made aware of worsened posture, and so that they can turn to the posture correction tool for guidance |